301 W. Reno
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Crystal Bridge: Ticket Required
Open daily, 9am-5pm;
Sunday, 11am-5pm
Outdoor Grounds: Open daily 6am-11pm
301 W. Reno
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Crystal Bridge: Ticket Required
Open daily, 9am-5pm;
Sunday, 11am-5pm
Outdoor Grounds: Open daily 6am-11pm
Corporate Memberships provide support to the Gardens as well as an array of benefits for your company’s employees and their families. Corporate membership starts at just $250 — take a look at the great benefits packages below and join today!
These memberships are annual passes that can be used to reward employees, and connect with community partners.
For more information call the membership office at
(405) 445-7087 or email member@myriadgardens.org.
When you sponsor the Gardens, you partner with us to make something beautiful.
Membership cards are no longer distributed. The Member App is now used with your mobile device. Download eMembership Card app from the Apple Store or Google Play
© 2024-2025 Myriad Botanical Gardens | Site by Hester Designs