
301 W. Reno
Oklahoma City, OK 73102

Crystal Bridge: Ticket Required
Open daily, 9am-5pm;
Sunday, 11am-5pm
Outdoor Grounds: Open daily 6am-11pm

Myriad Botanical Gardens is a 15-acre public green space in downtown Oklahoma City. With its ornamental gardens and grounds, children’s garden and carousel, a lake, and diverse collection of ornamental flowering perennials and grasses, the Gardens offer a variety of public events, festivals, and education classes for all ages in the community. The Gardens is managed by the Myriad Gardens Foundation, a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization that partners with corporate and community groups to enhance the educational, aesthetic, cultural and economic development of Oklahoma City.


The Gardens’ social media platforms are intended to be “family friendly.” When applicable, the Gardens uses platform provided content moderation/filtering options to limit foul or obscene content. Myriad Botanical Gardens actively monitors its social media channels, and will remove inappropriate content as defined below, without prior notice, and as soon as possible. The Gardens reserves the right to remove and/or block anyone who posts inappropriate material as determined by management. This material may include, but is not limited to:

  • Comments not related to the original topic, including random or unintelligible comments.
  • Profane, obscene, or pornographic content and/or language.
  • Content that promotes, fosters or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, religion, gender identity, age, ethnic origin, or race.
  • Defamatory or personal attacks.
  • Threats to any person or organization.
  • Comments in support of, or in opposition to, any political campaigns or ballot measures.
  • Solicitation of commerce, including but not limited to advertising of any business or product for sale.
  • Conduct in violation of any federal, state, or local law.
  • Encouragement of illegal activity.
  • Information that is false, inaccurate, or misleading.
  • Third-party intellectual property, such as any copyright-protected material, trademarks or logos and/or any violations of rights of publicity or privacy.
  • Repetitive content. Repeated posting of identical or very similar content in a counter-productive manner.
  • Posts or comments that contain any external links.
  • Impersonation of Myriad Botanical Gardens staff member.


By posting, commenting, or replying on one of our posts on our social media channels, you are agreeing to abide by these Social Media Community Guidelines and further agreeing to comply with the social media guidelines imposed by the particular social media platform you are utilizing.

If you have an issue, question, or suggestion regarding these Social Media Community Guidelines, please contact info@myriadgardens.org.